The following letter is the subject of comment in the International Herald

This is a remarkable letter. I hope that everybody reads and studies
it with great care.

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Open Letter to the Global Chess Community -- April 20, 2001

As the 12th, 13th, and 14th World Chess Champions, we are writing jointly
to voice our disagreement with recent statements and unilateral decisions
made by FIDE, the international chess federation. In particular, we are
very concerned about FIDE's policy changes regarding the official time
controls, their treatment of the history of the World Championship, and
their open hostility toward the organizers of traditional events.

The world's chessplayers have been denied a voice in these matters, and we
who represent these conventions at the highest level see the need to set
aside our differences and speak out publicly in defense of the game that
has brought us so much joy. Many players and European chess federations are
critical of FIDE's recent actions and we hope to lend a powerful and
unequivocal voice to this protest.

The time honored traditions and rules of classical chess are not to be
toyed with and any changes should be made only after such plans are studied
and debated in an open forum. Drastically shortening the amount of time
available during a game is an attack on both the players and on the
artistic and scientific elements of the game of chess itself. To implement
these rules without an adequate period for reflection, discussion, and
review is foolhardy and cavalier.

Of greater concern is the behavior of FIDE in regard to the prestige and
tradition of the World Chess Championship. FIDE's declaration in Tehran
laid claim to a title that existed long before FIDE was created and, we
might say, will exist long after it is gone. A century of tradition cannot
be wiped away simply by saying that it is so. The true tradition lives on
in us and in the minds and memories of millions of chess enthusiasts around
the globe. It is unacceptable for FIDE to claim rights to the World Chess
Championship while at the same time working to destroy the structures upon
which the tradition was built.

Nor are the traditional tournaments that have given so much to chess safe
from FIDE. Their threat to schedule FIDE events in competition with
traditional ones is nothing less than a direct attack on the organizers,
players, and fans of events such as Linares, Dortmund, and Wijk aan Zee.

Chess is not FIDE's property to toss around like a bauble. The game belongs
to the global chess community.

Based on FIDE's accompanying statements, these ill-advised measures have
been taken in an attempt to popularize the sport of chess. This is an
admirable goal, but it is impossible to achieve it by assaulting the very
things that elevate the game most of all: beautiful games of chess,
traditional top tournaments, and the quest for the World Championship.

The chess world is depending on its leaders to provide a suitable and
democratic solution to this unsatisfactory state of affairs. We propose an
open dialogue on these matters between FIDE, the national federations of
which it is composed, and the players - professional and amateur alike - it
was created to represent. In this dialogue we will depend on the
participation of the fans, organizers, and sponsors to whom chess owes a
great deal. We, who have both given to and received so much from chess,
look forward to being on the front lines in this battle to protect the
status and legacy of the game we love.

Anatoly Karpov
Garry Kasparov
Vladimir Kramnik
